Thursday, June 16, 2011


I have been putting this off for some time now but I guess now is as good of a time as any. A few weeks ago I had a CT scan done of my chest to check the healing of my sternum. In addition to the fact that my sternum had not healed enough, the CT also revealed a mass in my right breast. Last week I had an ultrasound and a mammogram which revealed a shadowing solid mass about the size of a nickle. Following that appointment we scheduled a needle biopsy which I had this afternoon. So now its waiting time. I should find out the results in 2-3 days but since my appointment was on a Thursday I will have to wait until Monday or Tuesday. I am very blessed to have many amazing family and friends supporting me through another crazy time in 2011. Of course I am hoping to hear the word benign but as crazy as this sounds I feel like if its malignant I can survive! I know that peace comes from God!

Many people choose to keep things like this private but talking through things is how I keep trucking forward! So there it is! The next few days will be spent with lots of family and friends and I am looking forward to that!

Love you all!

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Stop reading now if you don't want the emotional and graphic details of this wonderfully difficult process!  All men should probably sto...