Saturday, March 5, 2011

Rough Day

Sorry for the late post everybody been a long day. The air/fluid around her lungs got a little worse during the day so they changed a couple pumps around in hopes of helping with that, if this doesn't start working they will add another tube at a different location tomorrow. Coming off the epidural was really rough on Katy today allong with the labored breathing. Pain seems to have gotten somewhat better this evening and hopefully she will be able to get a little sleep tonight, we also hope that her chest begins to clear out more so the lungs can expand and her breathing becomes easier. On a good note she did go for another walk today and has eaten a little bit, hopefully she continues to gain an appetite and is able to do these walks as they help her feel better when she does. I'll post again mid morning when I get some new news.



  1. Sorry it was a rough day. :(
    We are praying for you all as well as for healing for Katy and continued wisdom for the nurses and doctors.
    Chris and Jonna

  2. Katy I luv u girl and because of that i know your a tuff woman... be easy on the morphine cuz that stuff is lethal!! every time something hurts think about one of us talking crap about the bears/cubbies and youll be better in no time ;)


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