Thursday, March 3, 2011

Surgery Completed

All is well after surgery! They are moving her to her room and we should be able to go in and see her soon on a 1 in 1 out basis as the hours post surgery are very critical to ensure everyting is working correctly. Dr. Ryan said she did very well and they closed her VSD, while they were in there they found a second defect in her atrium called a PFO (Patent Foramen Ovale), it was a very small one which is why it had never been detected until now and while they were in there they went ahead and closed that one as well. We are super happy that this portion is over with and went well and now it's on to the recovery that will present new hurdles but she is a tough cookie and I'm confident she will do great, she has a great support system of friends and family and know that you are all a big part of helping her get through this we love you all. More updates to come when I can get in there and see that beautiful face :)


1 comment:

Stop reading now if you don't want the emotional and graphic details of this wonderfully difficult process!  All men should probably sto...