Sunday, March 6, 2011


Well hopefully another step in the right direction, the X-ray showed the air being out from around the lungs and just some fluid remaining near the bottom. They decided to do a ultrasound to pinpoint where the fluid is to go in and drain it so it doesn't sit in there and fester any longer, the ultrasound didn't provide a good picture so they went with a CT Scan and found no fluid after the CT. Apparently when the air was in the way and her breathing became labored she compensated (unconsciously) with one lung more then the other and her diaphram came up and began to restrict the lung from inflating. So they took her incision drain, chest tube and heart lead wires out. Hopefully the relief from getting the chest tube out will allow her to breath better and get that lung back up to speed. She also will be able to take a shower later this evening (she's super excited about that). She has gotten a little more rest today also, hopefully the breathing starts to get stronger with the air gone from around her lungs and the chest tube out of the way. She also ate a grilled cheese for lunch so she has eaten more today then she has any day combined since surgery. This has been a good day so far and hopefully this trend continues :)



Stop reading now if you don't want the emotional and graphic details of this wonderfully difficult process!  All men should probably sto...