Sunday, March 6, 2011

Better Morning

Katy was able to sleep a little last night thankfully and it seems the pain has gotten to a more manageable level. Hopefully we can keep the pain under some control, the breathing is still a bit of a problem we're waiting on the the mornings X-ray results, once they are able to take out the chest tube it will help with the pain some, but we have to get the air/fluid out of there or she has a risk of catching pneumonia. If it doesn't get any better they will put another tube in at a different location. This has been the best feeling morning she has had so far though, she has a little more strength to her voice, she squeezed down a little breakfast and we went on her longest walk yet already today, so more positives then negatives so far today. The main goal for today is to get that breathing under control so she can take proper deep breaths and trying to convince her its okay to take a little nap here and there during the day she tries to stay awake since her parents and myself are around, i think after getting some sleep last night she'll feel better about dozing off here and there since it helped a lot.


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