Monday, March 7, 2011


Last night seemed to be a good night, after getting all her tubes out except the main IV line she was able to take a real shower last night and put on some of her comfy PJ's. She got more sleep last night then any before to go with her finally giving in and napping some during the day (I'm right more then she likes to admit ^_^) so this rest will do her good as her breathing this morning sounded better then yesterday. So with the tubes all out of the way, it's time to hit the walks and breathing exercises hard now to get those lungs goin. Now for those of you that want to start making visits, I know strep throat and viruses have been going around and if you are even kind of feeling sick and haven't been to the Dr. to prove otherwise I have to be the mean old troll gatekeeper and ask that you refrain from making a trip to see her please as it can be real bad news for her to catch anything in her condition right now. I know mean old Win, but you've all known I'm a jerk for awhile so there ;). Anyways, hopefully today continues to be on the path we're on and she will be able to come home sooner rather then later cause them doggies miss her. Thanks again everybody for all the offers for help and well wishes you sure do make us feel loved!


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Stop reading now if you don't want the emotional and graphic details of this wonderfully difficult process!  All men should probably sto...